With the Blue Earth County Fair growing to new heights and possibilities, artists of all levels are invited to submit their creative works to be considered for the next logo of the Fair.
Designers are encouraged to research the Blue Earth County Fair's history and unique characteristics to create a logo that truly represents the Fair. Collaboration with local communities and organizations is also encouraged to ensure the design is culturally sensitive and inclusive.
A logo has always been important for any organization. It's a way to show their values and strength to everyone. Designing a logo involves special rules, like deciding its shape, colors, and iconography. When planning your logo, remember these basic ideas: • Think about what your logo symbolizes • Make sure it's easy to recognize • Keep it simple • Make it balanced • Use basic primary or secondary colors • Include the text "Blue Earth County Fair"
There is a prize allotment of three hundred fifty dollars ($350), one (1) 2025 Fair Season Parking Pass, and two (2) grandstand passes for each grandstand show in 2025 available for the winning design.
For full rules and guidelines, please open the .pdf files of the "Logo Redesign Brief" and "Logo Redesign Rules" below.